Macaulay FIT

Welcome to the place for fitness and wellness at Macaulay!

Hey there!

We are Macaulay FIT aka M-FIT, a special initiative at Macaulay focused on improving and building awareness of the physical health and well-being of the Macaulay community.

Engaging Events

By attending our events, you will have the opportunity to make new friends, try out a new sport, and have fun while working out! No experience necessary!

Upcoming Events

Fun Challenges

Get them gains by participating in our weekly challenges, aka Flex Fridays, and receive prizes for it too!

This Week's Flex Friday

Active Community

Stay informed about our upcoming events and collaborations with other clubs, and keep in touch with your new friends on our group chat.

Join Our Discord!

Follow Us on Social Media!

Be sure to follow us on our Instagram @macaulayfit to stay informed about our upcoming events and collaborations with other clubs!