Special Initiatives - Interest/Affinity
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Email group officers
Mission The Macaulay Art Tank is responsible for uniting Macaulay students from all campuses interested in arts opportunities and events in New York City. The Art Tank encourages and supports collaborative and interdisciplinary thinking, spontaneity, and creativity of all kinds. We aim to bring opportunities to students through museum/gallery trips and art-making workshops. Art Tank aims to build lasting connections between Macaulay and New York City Cultural Institutions.Every Spring, the Macaulay Art Tank also curates Macaulay Arts Night. This initiative is one of Macaulay's biggest annual events, where a group of student curators transform the entire Macaulay Building into a giant art exhibition. The event serves as a showcase of Macaulay creative talent, featuring artwork, performances, interactive installations, and workshops. Arts Night aims to represent all Macaulay campuses through its curatorial team, artwork, and performances as a way of highlighting the diverse range of creative thinking within the Macaulay student body.
Membership Benefits1. Mingle and share art with a community of artists around all 8 campuses 2. Submit art to be showcased at Macaulay Arts Night in the Spring. 3. Introduce members interested in leadership to curatorial experience. 4. Attend diverse art workshops [online and hopefully later in person]
Macaulay Art Tank has a total of 123 points.
Membership will end on 30 Jun