Student Clubs - Educational/Awareness, Academic, Community Service
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Email group officers
Mission To expand Peace Action New York State's vision and mission to the Macaulay Honors College and CUNY at large: to mobilize, connect, and organize students, faculty, alumni, and community activists to demand an end to militarism and build a positive peace through a diversity of tactics.To be a decentralized, horizontal student organization that seeks to tap into the revolutionary and radical potential of the student body of CUNY, creating an open and safe space for students to express their identities and politics and thereby allowing radical ideas and actions to be easily and freely produced and reproduced.
Membership BenefitsEngage with other students in activism and education on important issues through cross-campus events, with professional organizations, and by attending conferences like the Student Peace Conference with students from across New York State.
Peace Action has a total of 125 points.
Membership will end on 30 Jun