Student Clubs - Social/Recreational, Social, Community Service
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Macaulay Queer Alliance, Email group officers
Mission To create a safe space for LGBTQ+ Macaulay students and their allies, while working to actively connect with the greater LGBTQ+ community of New York City. To achieve this goal, the Macaulay Queer Alliance will create programming for members that is focused on education, advocacy, and active engagement. Moreover, Macaulay Queer Alliance aims to create a vibrant community of LGBTQ+ students within the City University of New York (CUNY).
Membership BenefitsMembership benefits include finding and bonding with fellow LGBTQ+ Macaulay students in a safe space as well as developing a greater understanding of LGBTQ+ issues and history.
Macaulay Queer Alliance has a total of 91 points.
Membership will end on 30 Jun