Special Initiatives - University
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Mission The Orientation Leaders/Peer Mentors help incoming Macaulay Honors College studentsdiscover and pursue their passions and interests, adjust to life at Macaulay Honors College, anddevelop the skills needed to become strong leaders within and outside Macaulay Honors College.The Orientation Leaders/Peer Mentors pair new Macaulay Honors students with upper-classmentors who will lead small group sessions designed to help students discover their passions andinterests and to set themselves up for postgraduate success. They will cultivate discussions aboutmodel participation in an academic discussion through careful listening and incisive butrespectful speaking. Peer Mentors will also check in with students to ensure that they are thrivingin their college and extracurricular environment, and help connect the student to resources whennecessary.
Membership BenefitsEach new honors student is placed on a team led by one to two peer mentors. Mentors, who haveundergone a rigorous selection process, are committed to helping first-year students not onlyadjust to college life, but also discover and pursue their passions and interests, and develop thenecessary skills to become great leaders on campus. Mentors and mentees meet regularly overthe course of the academic year through small group meetings and one on one check-ins.
Peer Mentors & Orientation Leaders has a total of 348 points.
Membership will end on 30 Jun